Birth name
Place of Birth
Membe, Mawokota, Mpigi District
Place of Death
Burial Place
Bukuya Singo
Samwiri Kataaza Balagadde was born in 1878 in a village called Membe in Mawokota, Mpigi District. His Parents were Mukasa Nkoobe Nakabaale Mikisesangwa Namujunga and Ludiya Nakazzi Wangabira. His Dad was buried in Membe and mother buried in Nakaseeta in Bulemeezi.
Samwiri Kataaza Balagadde is born in a family of 28 children. 12 of them were male & the rest female. It’s believed most his siblings died at an early age. Samwiri Kataaza Balagadde was his father’s last born.
Samwiri Kataaza Balagadde education Background
Samwiri Kataaza Balagadde started school at an early age and was taught by Moslems of Church Missionary Society that had come to teach Christian in Buganda in 1877. He was baptized by these church missionaries.
He went to Namirembe Church Missionary Society School, Ndejje Junior & Mengo Junior School where he completed his Primary Six.
Samwiri Kataaza Balagadde Career in brief
When Samwiri Kataaza Balagadde completed his primary Six, he started working with white men as a writer, translator and at the same time a preacher to help spread Christianity with the Buganda region. He was a personal secretary to Bishop John Willis who was the head at Namirembe. Bishop John Willis served between the period of 1912 – 1934.
In 1922, Samwiri Kataaza Balagadde resigned from his job as a personal secretary of Bishop John Willis and left for Kakute in Bulemeezi. He bought Land in Kakute – Nakaseeta where he buried his mother Ludiya Nakazzi Wangabira.
During his stay in Kakute – Nakaseeta, he became chief of Musaale – Kalagaalo Sub County and his wife Elis Kyobuula was named Nabasaale because he was the first wife of the head of sub County. Samwiri Kataaza Balagadde finally moved to Nabutitti – Bukuya Singo where he was buried. Most of his wives and children are buried at the same burial ground where he was laid to rest.
Samwiri Kataza Balagadde
(1878 - 1973)